Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ok, last night I had my first spiritual reading and it blew me away.  "The Past" was dead-on accurate, right down to the Mother card and the Nutrition card.  Who knew there would even be a Nutrition card?  LOL.  And the decks have a ton of cards in them!  So that makes the "Present" and "Future" cards carry a lot of weight.  I was strongly instructed on two counts to write.  Well, I've been a secretary/receptionist for too long to write with a pen and paper.  In fact, once I get warmed up I can type as fast as I can think.  So if anyone is reading my blog, they'd better set aside sometime!

It seems to me from the reading that Ixchel has been trying to guide me.  She is the goddess of the moon and healing (and child birth, though that is in my distant past) and there has been a common theme in my life these past 2 years of the moon or "Blue Moon", even to the point of being the name of the studio making the pottery that I fell in love with at a fair with dozens of artists.  Ixchel has clearly been trying to get my attention.

There was some stuff about true love, though I'm at a point in my life where I don't feel like I have any room for that.  I'm getting involved with SCA and have invested in custom-made garb.  My persona is a Medieval fisherman's daughter, and my garb will be totally authentic right down to the historically accurate material it's made from.  I'm also exploring nature-based spirituality, going to therapy twice a week to find out who I am (got married at 19 and raised kids all my life, now that job is wrapping up) and who I want to be, and currently to the chiropractor once a week to even out my hips and fix lifelong skeletal issues which have kept me from pursuing my dream of running!  Oh, the running was in the reading last night too.  I was told there is strong youthful energy about to hit me hard and renew me, and that I will be able to "go as fast as a train"!  WOW.  These things are now WAY more important to me than true love, which has always been the drivig force of my life.

Anyway, I'm currently saving money to enroll in Health Coach training.  I have a certificate for Personal Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Specialist, but Health Coach is the direction I want to go in.  I've been into fitness and nutrition for over 25 years and already help people who want to get started.  I want to turn it into a career!  I've always wanted to help others and what better way?

Okay, Ixchel, I've begun my assignment TO WRITE.   Now help me stick with it, ok?

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